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Who is behind the graphic image of Jornada Èxit 24?

23 May 2024
From left to right: Júlia Barrachina, Marina Widmer, and Guiomar Borrellas.

Each year, the students of the Higher Education Course in Graphic Design are responsible for designing the graphic campaign for Jornada Èxit. This is a hybrid event that serves to celebrate the end of the academic year, recognize the graduation of the previous year's students, and thank the business community collaborating with EADTarragona.

This year, the proposal selected among all those presented in the Projects course is by Júlia Barrachina, Guiomar Borrellas, and Marina Widmer, tutored by professors Sergi Grau and Tin Fonts.

The concept starts with the launch of a firework-rocket, used as a representation of the personal transformation experienced by students at EADTarragona during their studies, with three distinct stages:

  • The arrival at the school, represented by a positioning circle.
  • The unique path each student takes, represented graphically by three different vertical lines.
  • And finally, the representation of graduation with an explosion in the shape of a star.

The objectives of the students with their proposal were to create a festive, visually striking, energetic, dynamic, and vibrant graphic representation. To achieve this, they used very synthetic graphic elements and a color palette that evokes strength and vitality.

Congratulations, we love it!