Scholarships for students of Higher-Level Vocational Training Cycles at the Art and Design Schools

Art Scholarship Call
Academic Year 2023/2024
The purpose of this call is to regulate the granting of financial aid, through individual scholarships, aimed at the official students of the Art and Design Schools of the Tarragona Provincial Council, to facilitate their completion of artistic studies for the academic year 2023/2024.
The granting of the mentioned scholarships is governed by the provisions included in the call attached to this website, given its specificity and uniqueness.
Funded Activities
The funded activities are the amount paid for public tuition fees (academic year 2023/2024) for the Higher-Level Artistic Training Cycles offered at the Art and Design Schools of the Diputación in the Tarragona and Reus centers. The final project of the LOGSE training cycle and other non-regulated study programs are excluded.
How to Apply
Complete the application and attach the specified documentation.
The annexed documents that must be included with the application (through the Electronic Headquarters) are as follows:
If the student is attending the center for the first time in the academic year 2023/2024:
- Original academic certificate from the official center (Medium or Higher-Level Training Cycles, Baccalaureate, or other official studies) in which the student completed the course 2022/2023 or the last course attended, certifying the grades obtained in each subject/module and the numerical average grade.
The application can be submitted through the following channels:
- Electronically, through the specific procedure available at the Diputación's Electronic Headquarters:
- In person, on paper, at the Assistance Offices for Registration Matters authorized by the Diputación de Tarragona, preferably with a prior appointment scheduled through the phone numbers 977296617 (Tarragona) or 977448662 (Tortosa), or through the Diputación's appointment application (, during office hours from 9 am to 2 pm.
- Or through any other means provided in Article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations. The submission of the application implies knowledge and acceptance of all the requirements, obligations, and conditions included in this call.
Additionally, once the resolution of the grant is published, it will be necessary that, in addition to the application procedure, the student, parent, or guardian completes the “Communication of Tax and Bank Data” procedure at the Diputación's Electronic Headquarters:
The applicant may not object to the Diputación consulting, through public data intermediary services, the State Agency for Tax Administration and the General Treasury of the Social Security regarding the fulfillment of tax obligations and Social Security contributions, solely to verify the requirements established for obtaining, receiving, and maintaining the requested scholarship. However, the Intervention Area will verify, through the internal procedure established by the Treasury, that the beneficiary is not a debtor due to a resolution of repayment. In any case, at any time during the procedure, the Diputación de Tarragona may require the applicant to provide the necessary supporting documentation.
Application Deadline
The application deadline will be from the day after the publication of the call in the Official Bulletin of the Province of Tarragona until May 13, 2024.