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Interactive Graphic Design

Interactive Graphic Design
In this course, students will undertake graphic design projects in formats such as websites, apps, and other interfaces, either individually or in teams, conceptualizing and planning interactive projects with new technologies.

Web and application design is a reliable choice for finding employment.

The general competency of the Interactive Graphics title involves developing graphic design projects in the context of screens: web design and development, production of interactive content, accessibility, usability, and interface design.

Those who complete the course obtain a Higher Technician diploma, which allows them to enter the workforce to perform tasks related to:

  • Design, organization, and management of interactive graphics projects.
  • Web design and development.
  • Creation and production of interactive content, accessibility, usability, and interface design.
  • Analysis of proposals for interactive graphics projects applied to different fields.
  • Collaboration in the organization and supervision of production.

Basic Data

  • Title: Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design in Interactive Graphic Design.
  • Level: Higher Education Course in Plastic Arts and Design. Level 1 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES).
  • Total Duration: Two thousand hours distributed over two academic years.
  • ECTS Credits: One hundred twenty
  • Artistic Professional Family: Graphic and Audiovisual Communication.
  • European Reference: CINE-5b (International Standard Classification of Education).

General Competencies of the Higher Technician in Interactive Graphic Design

General competencies describe the combination of skills, motivations, and traits required to effectively perform a wide range of jobs within the specialty.

  • Conceive and create multimedia pieces with technical, artistic, and communicative quality.
  • Plan and execute projects of interactive products that optimally integrate and develop usability concepts of interfaces, information architecture and accessibility, digital graphics, video, sound, etc., based on the communicative objectives of the commission.
  • Organize and carry out the different phases of the project and the corresponding quality controls until achieving a multimedia product of the quality required professionally.

Professional Competencies of the Higher Technician in Interactive Graphic Design

Professional competencies are related to the job role and include the skills and aptitudes necessary to perform the work successfully:

  • Effectively communicate ideas and messages using multimedia language.
  • Equip the interactive graphic product with the persuasive, informative, and/or identifying elements suited to the objectives of the commission.
  • Manage interface graphic elements and select the most appropriate resources to solve configuration and installation issues.
  • Plan and independently execute interactive graphics projects with the level of quality required professionally.
  • Produce interactive graphics pieces in all their phases and perform the corresponding quality controls to achieve a multimedia product of technical, artistic, and communicative quality.
  • Develop application standards and generate documents that facilitate the understanding, management, and subsequent evolution of the interactive graphic product.
  • Select and use the most appropriate resources to address formal, functional, and technical aspects of a specific communication problem.
  • Convey appropriate information with precision and communicative efficiency using multimedia resources.
  • Correctly execute production processes.
  • Coordinate work that results from or is generated by these responsibilities.
  • Recognize and comply with regulations governing professional activity.