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In this course, students will carry out their own photographic projects or those from professional commissions in areas such as advertising, fashion, the editorial world, or the artistic world, among others.

Students acquire the ability to express themselves in photographic language.

With training in photography, students can enter the world of services, equipment, and distribution of photographic equipment, in audiovisual material production, in advertising and communication, in fashion, in the editorial world, in general industry, in industrial photography and cinematography labs, etc.

Those who complete the course obtain a Higher Technician diploma, which allows them to enter the workforce to perform tasks related to:

  • Design, organization, and management of photographic projects.
  • Supervision and execution of scenography, lighting, capturing, and recording of photographic images.
  • Digitization and processing of images.
  • Analysis of proposals and conducting documentary and graphic research for photography projects in various fields.
  • Collaboration in organizing and supervising photographic production.

Basic Data

  • Title: Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design in Photography.
  • Level: Higher Education Course in Plastic Arts and Design. Level 1 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES).
  • Total Duration: Two thousand hours distributed over two academic years.
  • ECTS Credits: One hundred twenty
  • Artistic Professional Family: Graphic and Audiovisual Communication.
  • European Reference: CINE-5b (International Standard Classification of Education).

General Competencies of the Higher Technician in Photography

General competencies describe the combination of skills, motivations, and traits required to effectively perform a wide range of jobs within the specialty.

  • Create original photographic work from a specific professional commission or a personal project.
  • Define the formal, functional, aesthetic, and technical variables of the photography project, plan the process, and execute it.
  • Organize and develop the different phases of the project and the corresponding quality controls to ensure a photographic product according to professional standards.

Professional Competencies of the Higher Technician in Photography

Professional competencies are related to the job role and include the skills and aptitudes necessary to perform the work successfully:

  • Specify the thematic, stylistic, and communicative characteristics of a photographic commission based on given specifications.
  • Select and analyze reference documents and materials for the photography project.
  • Contribute ideas and propose various photographic solutions for assigned tasks.
  • Endow the photographic image with persuasive, informative, and/or identifying elements suitable for the objectives of the commission.
  • Execute the photographic commission considering the subsequent medium and communication support, providing it with the most efficient graphic communication resources.
  • Master various photographic techniques and formats in their theoretical and practical aspects, and apply them with the professional quality required.
  • Develop the photographic process in all its stages: execution, processing, post-production, and presentation, performing the corresponding quality controls.
  • Apply and master archiving, indexing, and retrieval techniques for photographic documents according to international standards.
  • Recognize the properties and specific characteristics of professional materials and equipment and ensure their maintenance.
  • Recognize, assess, and apply the regulations governing professional activity.