Entrance Exams 2024

The common part of the test is conducted to verify that the candidates demonstrate maturity in relation to the objectives of the baccalaureate, and the specific part is conducted to demonstrate the artistic skills and knowledge necessary to successfully pursue these studies.
Ordinary call (common part and/or specific part)
Registration: from March 7 (starting at 9:00 a.m.) to March 18 (until 11:59 p.m.), 2024
Fee payment: until March 19, 2024 (before 10:00 p.m.)
Provisional list of admitted and excluded candidates: from April 4, 2024
Final list of admitted and excluded candidates: from April 25, 2024
Test implementation
Common part: May 14, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
Specific part: May 15, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
Provisional grades: from June 3, 2024
Deadline for submitting claims via email to the corporate mailbox of the chosen exam center: from June 4 to June 6, 2024
Final grades: from June 10, 2024
Incidents call
Addressed to registered candidates who are unable to attend the ordinary call due to force majeure, which must be documented (by sending an email to the corporate mailbox of the exam center where the candidate is registered).
Application to attend: no later than 12:00 p.m. on May 14, 2024
List of admitted and excluded candidates: no later than May 17, 2024
Test: May 22, 2024, common part at 9:30 a.m. and specific part at 4:00 p.m.
Extraordinary call (specific part)
Registration: from May 23 (starting at 9:00 a.m.) to May 30, 2024
Provisional list of admitted and excluded candidates: from June 4, 2024
Submission of documentation to the center: from June 5 to June 18, 2024 (during public service hours)
Final list of admitted and excluded candidates: June 19, 2024
Test implementation: June 26, 2024, at 9:30 a.m.
Provisional grades: from June 28, 2024
Deadline for submitting claims to the center: from July 1 to July 3, 2024 (during public service hours)
Final grades: from July 5, 2024
September call (specific part)
Registration: from September 2 to September 6, 2024
Provisional list of admitted and excluded candidates: September 10, 2024
Submission of documentation to the center: from September 11 to September 24, 2024 (during public service hours)
Final list of admitted and excluded candidates: September 26, 2024
Test implementation: September 27, 2024 (at 9:30 a.m.)
Provisional grades: October 3, 2024
Deadline for submitting claims to the center: from October 4 to October 7, 2024 (during public service hours)
Final grades: from October 9, 2024
Who must take the entrance exam?
Individuals who possess the academic qualification or equivalent education that grants direct access to medium or higher cycles of plastic arts and design cannot take the common part of the corresponding entrance exam.
Those who hold a high school diploma or a technical degree in Vocational Education, or an equivalent qualification, for access to these studies in plastic arts and design may take the specific part of the exam.
Those who, although they do not hold any of the qualifications or accreditations mentioned in the previous section, pass the common part of the exam may also take the specific part. In this case, to register for this call, one must be 19 years old or turn 19 within the same year of the exam.
Individuals who do not need to take the specific exam are those who hold any of the following degrees or accreditations, or their equivalents for access to these studies:
- High school diploma in the arts modality or the experimental arts program.
- High school diploma in other modalities if they have completed 3 subjects in the visual arts pathway of the arts modality, requesting exemption from the Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education (point 11).
- Technical degree (medium level) in plastic arts and design or superior technical degree (higher level) in plastic arts and design.
- Superior technical degree in vocational education in a family equivalent to that of plastic arts and design, in accordance with the equivalence table in annex 6.
- Higher degree in plastic arts or higher degree in design, in its various specializations.
- Graduate degree in applied arts and artistic trades, in any of the specialties from the study plans established in 1963, 1984, or 1986.
- Higher degree in conservation and restoration of cultural assets, in its various specializations.
- Bachelor’s degree in fine arts or a certificate of passing the specific entrance exam for these studies.
- Architecture.
- Technical engineering in industrial design.
- Exemption resolution recognized by the Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education.
Individuals pending qualification requirements
Those who are in their final year of a degree that grants access to the formative cycles of plastic arts and design but have not yet obtained the necessary qualifications may register for the specific exam and take it. Later, during the enrollment process at the center, they must provide proof of their academic qualification.
Individuals who wish to improve their entrance exam grades
Those who have previously passed the entrance exam may re-enroll, provided they have not met any of the other direct access requirements. They may also choose to retake one of the exam parts.
If the candidate does not wish to retain the grade obtained in either of the two parts of the exam, they must express their waiver in writing to the center where the exam will be taken.
The entrance exam is organized into two parts: the common part, only for those who do not meet the academic requirements, and another specific part for all those who wish to access a cycle.
It includes the subjects of Catalan language, Spanish language, foreign language (English, French, or German), and a fourth subject to choose between history and mathematics. It should be noted that passing this part of the exam can also grant access to vocational training cycles only if the candidate has been examined in mathematics. The Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education prepares the exams, in accordance with the syllabi and evaluation criteria approved by Resolution EDU/3983/2010, of December 9.
Regarding the specific part, the exam consists of an exercise in which the student will develop a project proposal based on predetermined conditions, choosing between three projects related to:
- The field of communication and design, integrating the contents of the subjects of Audiovisual Culture and Design.
- The field of artistic expression, integrating the contents of the subjects of Art Fundamentals and Artistic Drawing.
- The field of art and technology, integrating the contents of the subjects of Technical Drawing and Design.
The Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education will prepare the exams, in accordance with the syllabi and evaluation criteria approved in annex 7 of Resolution ENS/519/2011, of February 17, as amended by Resolution ENS/1770/2018, of July 29.
Materials required for the specific part
- A minimum of two DIN A3 drawing sheets, one of them for preparatory drawings and sketches.
- A DIN A3 sheet suitable for the technique to be used for the final proposal.
- A DIN A3 cardboard sheet.
- Graphite pencil.
- Eraser.
- Pencil sharpener.
- Compass.
- Ruler.
- Set of squares.
- To apply color, choose between colored pencils, markers, tempera, acrylic, or watercolor.
- For cutting, scissors, scalpel, or cutter.
- For gluing, double-sided tape, glue stick, or white glue.
Models for the specific part
Model 1: model_prova_cfgs_apd_1.pdf
Model 2: model_prova_cfgs_apd_2.pdf
Model 3: model_prova_cfgs_apd_3.pdf
Model 4: model_prova_cfgs_apd_4.pdf
Model 5: model_prova_cfgs_apd_5.pdf
Evaluation rubric for the exam: rubrica_avaluacio.pdf
Direct access
Qualifications or certifications that allow exemption from the specific exam
- High school diploma in the arts modality or the experimental arts program.
- High school diploma in other modalities if 3 subjects in the visual arts pathway of the arts modality have been completed, requesting exemption (point 11).
- Technical degree (medium level) in plastic arts and design or superior technical degree (higher level) in plastic arts and design.
- Superior technical degree in vocational education in a family equivalent to that of plastic arts and design, in accordance with the equivalence table in annex 6.
- Higher degree in plastic arts or higher degree in design, in its various specializations.
- Graduate degree in applied arts and artistic trades, in any of the specialties from the study plans established in 1963, 1984, or 1986.
- Higher degree in conservation and restoration of cultural assets, in its various specializations.
- Bachelor’s degree in fine arts or a certificate of passing the specific entrance exam for these studies.
- Architecture.
- Technical engineering in industrial design.
- Exemption resolution recognized by the Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education.
(Consult the center)
Access with specific exam
- High school diploma (non-artistic)
- Vocational Education technical degree
- Those who have passed the higher-level vocational education entrance exam
Access with specific and general exam
In this case, the following can apply:
- Individuals who are 19 years old or will turn 19 within the same year of the exam, even if they do not hold any of the titles or accreditations mentioned above, may take the exam.
Exemption from the common part
Individuals who have passed the following are entitled to an exemption from the common part:
- The specific course for access to higher-level vocational training cycles.
- The University entrance exams for those over 25 or over 45, or have accessed the University by accrediting work or professional experience after turning 40.
Justifying document: the academic certificate issued by the center or entity where it was taken, indicating the total duration and the final grade.
Place to submit documentation: if applicable, the center chosen to take the entrance exam.
Exemptions from the specific part
The following individuals may request an exemption:
a) Having work experience directly related to the cycle to which they wish to apply, full-time (or proportional time if part-time officially recognized): one year or more with a professional category equal to or higher than that corresponding to the training cycle of the degree for which they have registered (generally, first- or second-level officer); or three years or more if the officially recognized category (contribution group) is lower.
Justifying documents: 1) original employment history report, issued by the General Treasury of Social Security or labor mutual insurance, or Service record or certificate from the corresponding administration; and 2) certificate from the company or legally constituted entity, detailing the tasks or activities performed and the time of dedication.
Place of submission: Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education (Via Augusta, 202-226, Barcelona).
b) Holding a recognized or proprietary university degree, provided that at least 18 credits directly related to the procedural content of the cycle to which one wishes to apply have been completed.
Justifying document: academic record.
Place of submission: Directorate General of Initial Vocational Training and Special Regime Education (Via Augusta, 202-226, Barcelona).
Deadline for submission of documentation: until March 11, 2022 (ordinary call), May 3, 2022 (extraordinary call), or June 28, 2022 (September calls).