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On May 23, we celebrate Èxit at EADTarragona

23 May 2024
Èxit 2024 Image

On May 23, the school will host the Èxit event. This hybrid event serves to celebrate the end of the academic year, recognize the graduation of last year's students, and thank the business community that collaborates with the school.

In the morning, at 11 a.m.:

Screening of the documentary "Dilluns" and a round table with its directors, Anna Truyol (@artchimboldi) and Álvaro Sanz (@dealvarosanz), who will share their experience in creating the documentary.

"Dilluns" features over 30 real stories about studies, work, profession, vocation, and, ultimately, life. The documentary aims to inspire and relieve the pressure on young people deciding what to study. It also invites adults in their professional careers to reflect on their own work journey.

After the screening, there will be a breakfast to share impressions following the viewing and the subsequent discussion.

Dilluns. Històries mai explicades sobre la feina - Tràiler Anna Truyol i Àlvaro Sanz from Anna Truyol on Vimeo.

In the afternoon, at 7 p.m.:

Drag performer Frida la Ter will host an event highlighting creativity, love for art, and the school. The open event will start at 7 p.m. and feature music by DJ Alexandre Bonanit.

We will screen videos showcasing daily life at the school and students’ views on the phrase "for the love of art." We will also present the third issue of the publication #peramoralart, which includes all final integrated projects of the students who graduated last year, and an exhibition with a selection of projects completed by students of the school.

Additionally, there will be a symbolic graduation ceremony for the 2022-2023 graduating class.

Starting at midnight, we will meet at Sala Zero in Tarragona for the after-party.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Frida la Ter

Is the alter ego of Marc Honrubia, a former photography student from EADTarragona who has emerged as a prominent performance artist and drag performer. In her show, Frida la Ter embodies a variety of characters, transcending gender boundaries and established norms. By manipulating appearance and identity, she invites the audience to question and reflect on themes of identity, gender, and power.

DJ Alexandre Bonanit

Is a stellar DJ who takes the audience to the seventh heaven of partying. Indigenous modernism, soul, funk, tropicalism, and rock’n’roll are his signature styles. However, the cosmic journey goes beyond and reaches the galaxy of mambo, passing through the constellation of boogaloo, rumberos clouds, and beat and garage nebulas... A universe of songs to move your hips through a hole of black music and other pearls from beyond. (source:

Bonanit is an old friend of EADTarragona, having participated with his music selection in the last two Big Draw events organized by the school at Plaça Corsini.