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Center Documents

Center Documents
In this section, you can consult the basic documentation regarding the organization and management of the school.

Educational Project of the Centre

A document that includes the center’s identity traits, pedagogical principles, organizational principles, and linguistic project.

Center's Organization and Operation Rules

A document that systematically collects the precepts governing our organization and the interrelations of life in our center (functions, rights and duties of students and teachers, procedures, and the center’s adaptations to general regulations).

Educational Commitment Letter

A document aimed at enhancing communication, participation, involvement, commitment, and shared responsibility among the center, students, and families in their education.

Linguistic Project of the Center

A document that outlines aspects related to the teaching and use of languages in the educational center.

Digital Strategy of the Center

A document that defines and specifies the center’s lines of action that enable teachers, students, and the center to achieve digital competence.

Class Schedules

A link where you can consult the class schedules, the classrooms where they are taught, and the teachers who teach them.