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Educational Commitment Letter

Educational Commitment Letter
The educational commitment letter is a document aimed at enhancing communication, participation, involvement, commitment, and shared responsibility between the school and their students.

The School of Art and Design of the Diputación in Tarragona, through its commitment letter, wants to express the basic aspects that the school and the students must keep in mind to ensure a conducive environment for the artistic development of the students within the center's educational project. Aware that education involves the joint action of students, families, and the school, we sign this educational commitment letter, which entails the following commitments.

Commitments by the School of Art and Design of the Diputación in Tarragona

  1. Offer and provide quality artistic education that allows students to interact intellectually, artistically, and creatively with the social, artistic, and professional environment of the territory.
  2. Inform the student about the center's educational project (PEC) and the norms of organization and functioning by which the center is governed (NOFC).
  3. Ensure the rights and duties of the students in the educational context of the center.
  4. Promote teamwork, autonomy, responsibility for one's own learning, and student participation in the social environment, according to the center's educational project.
  5. Inform students of the criteria that will be applied to evaluate academic performance and the results of the evaluations.
  6. Maintain regular communication with students to inform them about their academic and personal progress.
  7. Provide an environment based on mutual respect and coexistence (students/school).
  8. Adopt measures, if appropriate, that are alternative or complementary to meet the specific needs of students, promoting and enhancing individual capacities.

Commitments by the Students

  1. Fulfill the basic duty of study and regular, punctual attendance at academic activities, and complete tasks assigned by teachers.
  2. Provide the center with information relevant to their learning process.
  3. Respect the specific norms of the center's functioning, particularly those affecting school coexistence, the normal development of classes, treat all staff with respect, and be aware of the sanctions for such infractions, regardless of the means used to commit the offense, whether personally or through social media.
  4. Promote respect, solidarity, and the dialogical resolution of conflicts.
  5. Respect and responsibly use the center's facilities, equipment, and materials, as well as necessary safety and hygiene measures in each space.
  6. Adopt criteria and measures that can enhance academic performance.
  7. Share the content of these commitments.