
Estilita (1952)


The stylite is a recurring figure in the work of Lluís M. Saumells (Gironella, 1915 - Tarragona, 1999), an object of investigation which lead him to abstraction and the elementary reduction of forms.

A stylite is a type of Christian anchorite who lives in solitude, isolated from the community to avoid temptation and who dedicates his existence to prayer and penitence, living on a platform placed at the top of a column or pillar.

Sortint del bany (1925)

Coming out of the sea

Coming out of the sea is a sculptural work by Salvador Martorell (La Canonja, 1895 - Tarragona, 1968) produced with stone from La Sènia, which was awarded a gold medal in the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts of Paris in 1925. This work depicts a woman coming out of the sea, represented by a square base with a bunch of tulips engraved in relief at the front, while at the rear it insinuates waves that surround the legs of the figure.
