Llàntia escultòrica (1970)

Lantern sculpture

The creative process of the ceramics artist Ramon Carreté (El Catllar, 1938 - Tarragona, 1990) involved the deformation of pure lines to reaching sculptural forms. This method of transforming pieces increasingly led him towards pure forms of sculpture.

The work Llàntia escultòrica is a large ceramic recipient, hand-modelled using the ancient technique of superimposing clay rings, textured with the fingers or any tool made of stone, wood or any other object to hand. By using this technique, it is as if the artist wanted to incorporate himself within the work itself, by transmitting his vital impulse through fingerprints and the pressure of his fingers.

He increasingly simplifies the flat surfaces, deliberately producing the forms, which have organic qualities such as marine forms, screw cavities, clam shells or cotyledons of a fruit which opens up, conserving its mystery and offering itself at the same time. The often pointed forms, such as large lanterns, appear to suggest the apparition of a genie inviting us to any uninhibited fantasy. In spite of everything, however, the force and the pull towards the earth is greater.


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