Exhibition Temporary
Boca Bola. Ariadna Parreu
30/05/2024 - 01/09/2024
An O is drawn by the lips to become the voice orifice, opening a long circular abyss, a folded plane, piercing the sign and projecting the circular in space. The O as an orb of the spin of a body when touched. With the O I write an infinity, with the O the mouth inscribes an infinity, a hole clearly opens in a dark depression of the skin that connects with the anO to return to this epidermal surface and become an obverse-reverse.
Orifice, which was a mouth, but its etymology is fleshy and round, a swollen concavity, a ball, forming a ball. Thus the fold is not sharp, but rather a concave-convex undulating vibration, and what is inside comes out from the outside, and the hole is confused with the cheek or buttock. An inflammation of the duct. “Orifice, the inside that feels outside.”
Mouth is ball due to loss of face.
It was born a portrait, and became a landscape. The Camp de Tarragona as a hyperobject[2] of alchemical experimentation. Each room in the room turns out to be a phase of traditional alchemy, the alchemy of the stone, that is, the inorganic in etymology, organic in epistemology;[3] the one that transforms and does not transmute, this other could be my lungs with its inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide. What differentiates them is not the scale; It is the circle, the cycle, the O. One could differentiate between the patriarchal and the matriarchal. The first as an invasion, a genocide, a domination of bodies through destruction, with solid or gas weapons; the second, with creation as its root kidnapped by modernity, upbringing, care and creatures, all human or almost or not so much. But I'll stick with this quote:
“Alchemical knowledge is based on the idea that the organic matter with which the alchemist dealt in his laboratory was connected with the soul of the human being through a system of mysterious correspondences and that it was possible […] to build a bridge between the chaos of inorganic matter and the harmony of the living body.”[4]
[1] Nancy, Jean-Luc. Corpus. Arena Books, p. 95.
[2] Timothy Morton's term.
[3] Organic chemistry or carbon chemistry, expanding the organic not only to living organisms.
[4] Tripaldi, Laura. Parallel minds. Black Box, p. 142.