Les gràcies (1898)

The graces

The work of Sancho Piqué (Marçà, 1872-1959) is in the medium of traditional realism, rooted in academicism, which values skill, good taste, worthy themes and classical composition.

The graces (1898) is a large-scale oil painting which presents a group composition. Josep Sancho Piqué follows the rule of scrupulous accuracy of the real model and achieves a painstaking and sensitive portrait, albeit lacking the capacity to renew the art of the period.

The scene shows a rural family at the end of the 19th century blessing the table. Around a table clad in a white table cloth, the family of five say grace for the food they are about to receive, an action that gives the work its title.

A bottle of wine is placed in the centre of the composition and in front of it, various foods arranged as if it were a still-life within the same work. They consume little food; for the woman, who is breastfeeding her child, has a piece of bread and piece of cheese, unlike the others, who only eat a dish of stew, indicating the austerity of this family.

The boy, sat with his back to the window, is not leaning forward like the rest of the family, but looking ahead, absorbed in thought.

Particularly noteworthy is the treatment the artist gives to the light, which enters through the window, illuminates the room and creates a distinct chiaroscuro that makes the scene more dramatic.

More information about the artist