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DIÀLEGS. Un projecte col·laboratiu amb l’INS JAUME I de Salou


The relationship between the MAMT and the 2nd year secondary school art students of Institut Jaume I of Salou, based on collaborative projects, began in the 2012-13 academic year, when the basis of a systematic collaboration between the two institutions was established through the involvement of the teachers Lídia Pérez Requena, Meritxell Blay Boquera and Montserrat Martínez Masagué, who, since the 2015-16 academic year, has led these projects.

The relationship between the MAMT and the 2nd year secondary school art students of Institut Jaume I of Salou, based on collaborative projects, began in the 2012-13 academic year, when the basis of a systematic collaboration between the two institutions was established through the involvement of the teachers Lídia Pérez Requena, Meritxell Blay Boquera and Montserrat Martínez Masagué, who, since the 2015-16 academic year, has led these projects.

The main aim of this collaboration is to help students discover the local art scene and the artists who exhibit at the Modern Art Museum of the Diputación of Tarragona. In visits-workshops at the MAMT which explain the pedagogical and dissemination work carried out by this institution, students come into contact with the art works and the artists that belong to the collection.

The fact that these artistic projects are based on a thought-provoking concept, a theme, a temporary exhibit or an artist in its permanent collection, for subsequent personal reinterpretation, allows students to explore a unique language and position themselves with a personal discourse. It is an opportunity to experiment with contemporary artistic techniques and languages. And the subsequent exhibition of the resulting works, which often takes place in the rooms of the MAMT rooms, gives them the opportunity to project themselves to the world for the first time as young artists. The learning experiences and enrichment are mutual for students, teachers and the MAMT Pedagogical team. These are proposals that go beyond the school and which, with the collaboration of the MAMT, transcend what takes place in the classroom.