→ Pàgina web: https://thebluebox.ai
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→ Vídeo presentació: The Blue Box Biomedical Solutions
> Informació
Designed after a dog's olfactory system and olfactory neurons, The Blue Box is an AI-powered biomedical device aimed at in-home breast cancer testing in a non-invasive, non-irradiating, inexpensive, specific and user-friendly way... Just by introducing a urine sample in a BOX!
The Blue Box was created to elevate the need to provide better healthcare to every woman around the globe. By doing so, we aim at creating a change in the way we -as a society- fight breast cancer.
> Contacte principal
Judit Giró – Fundadora
> Reconeixements i certificacions rellevants
- Projecte guanyador del premi James Dyson Award 2020.
- Projecte guanyador als ‘Premis Emprèn 2020’ de la Diputació de Tarragona.